A new broadcasting network for citizens
Heart for Deventer
Each person their own TV channel? This became possible with Heart for Deventer. Envolve supervised the planning as well as the execution.
Broadcasting your own videos
Heart for Deventer made it possible for citizens, entrepreneurs and organisations to broadcast their own videos on TV. This is a new way to share information and contact other people. With a Reggefiber digital television subscription these films can be viewed both online and on television. The aim is to stimulate media wisdom and civilian journalism.
A new broadcasting network
The project was initiated by Reggefiber, Deventer Television and the City of Deventer. It is one of the first projects in this field in the Netherlands. It was both organisationally and technically innovative. The local broadcasting network had to produce and distribute content in a new way. Reggefiber developed a technical link between the television platform and an online video platform.
Our job
Envolve was responsible for project management, in close cooperation with the management of the local broadcasting network.
The result
End of 2010, the Deventer local broadcasting network decided to integrate Heart for Deventer in its exploitation, and in doing so it became a forerunner in the Netherlands. The project has turned Deventer Television into an interactive platform for civilian communication. Civilian journalism combined with professional journalism. And beside TV and radio, also the web and social media.