Encouraging the use of ICT to improve education
Learning City
Envolve helped to build the “Learning City”, which is part of the Smarter Cities Agenda of the Netherlands (Digitale Steden Agenda). Initiated by Stedenlink, Nicis, G32 and the G4.
High quality education in the city
City councils have a great interest in high quality education in their cities. It contributes to a better business climate, social cohesion, decreasing pressure on social networks, decreasing crime rates, etc. The Learning City helps city councils to encourage the use of ICT for the improvement of education. Think, e.g., of improving digital facilities within schools, reducing the number of early school leavers, improving the connection between education and the labour market. Also, a lot of attention is given to the digital skills of the working population.
ICT for a better city
The Learning City is part of the Smarter Cities Agenda: a multiannual programme for city councils and private parties involved in the development and implementation of socially relevant digital services.
Our job
Envolve has set up the project. We focussed on creating involvement among stakeholders.
The result
Envolve has chosen a cooperation model where cities, businesses and educational institutes maximally reinforce each other. We succeeded in bringing all partners together in a number of appealing innovation projects. From 2012 on, Envolve is leading the execution of these projects.
Read more about the Learning City (external link).
Envolve also set up the Green City project.